Friday, March 14, 2008

The Spellman Files was a Fantastic Book!

I just finished The Spellman Files by Lisa Lutz. It was really a great, satisfying read. I can't wait to read the next one, Curse of the Spellmans. (Yes, I have it on order!!)

The main character, Isabelle, is kind of a scrappy, tom-boyish private detective. She isn't into fashion or saying the politically correct thing very often but I LOVED her and I think it would be a blast to be in her shoes for a day (or longer).

I hope everyone gets a chance to read it before our next meeting which I think I'll schedule for March 31st after spring break.

Be sure to stop by the LMC and pick up a copy. You won't be sorry!

Note the newest Spellman Files book: Curse of the Spellmans, coming to our LMC soon!

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